February 12, 2025
- Rule 5-12-1, a-e and 5-13-1 thru 4
- When a race is run in lanes, and the athlete assigned to Lane 6 leaves his/her assigned lane on a straightaway to the inside (Lane 5) or outside (Lane 7) for three or more steps. The athlete does not interfere nor gain an advantage and finishes the race in the assigned Lane 6. Is the athlete disqualified?
- On the straightaway, and if there is no interference, no advantage gained and the athlete finished in his/her lane, then no disqualification (see Case Book 5.12.1 SITUATION A as a resource).
- On the straightaway, and if there is no interference, no advantage gained and the athlete finished in his/her lane, then no disqualification (see Case Book 5.12.1 SITUATION A as a resource).
- In the 100 meter dash (straightaway), an athlete assigned to Lane 5 wanders into Lane 1 or Lane 8 after a legal start, but does not interfere with anyone nor gain an advantage and finishes the race in Lane 5. Is the athlete disqualified?
- If the athlete started in Lane 5, did not interfere or gain an advantage in any way, as well as finished in Lane 5, there would be no disqualification (even in the 100 meter dash). However, this would be different in the 100/110 hurdles as an athlete may not run over a hurdle that is not in the assigned lane.
February 7, 2025
In the High Jump, there are five competitors left at a height. The first four competitors clear the bar on their first attempt, and the fifth competitor misses, meaning he will be the next competitor up for his second attempt. Based on the notes under Rule 6-2-2: “At any given bar height, the time for all competitors remains the same until the next bar height is established or a clear winner is determined.” If that rule is applied as written, the competitor would be given one minute to initiate their attempt. However, in this circumstance, the attempts are consecutive in the common use of the word. The question is…under the NFHS rule, does this constitute a consecutive attempt, even though the bar height has not changed? And, therefore, would the competitor be given two minutes to initiate their attempt?
- In the situation above, the fifth competitor is the only remaining competitor at that height; therefore, the jumps would be considered consecutive. This competitor should receive two minutes to initiate his or her attempt (three minutes in Pole Vault).
December 18, 2024

May 17, 2024
- When an athlete makes a throw and the event judge says “fair” (or raises the white flag) and the athlete then steps out of the front half of the competition ring in the Shot Put/Discus or steps over the foul line arc in the Javelin, is the throw accepted/legal?
- When an athlete makes a throw and the event judge says “fair” (or raises the white flag) and the athlete then steps out of the front half of the competition ring in the Shot Put/Discus or steps over the foul line arc in the Javelin, is the throw accepted/legal?
- The event judge should not call “fair” or raise the white flag until the athlete has left the competition ring out the back half in the Shot Put/Discus or exits around the foul line arc in the Javelin. If they leave anytime out of the front half of the competition ring or walk across the Javelin foul line arc, it is a foul…even if the official says “fair” or raises the white flag.
- In this scenario, the event judge was in error to say “fair” or raise the white flag before the athlete left the completion ring or foul line arc area; however, the throw is still a foul because the athlete did not exit the event properly and should be recorded as such.
- Shot Put (Rule 6.4.3-h) – It is a foul if the competitor does not exit the back half of the circle.
- Discus (Rule 6.5.2-g) – It is a foul if the competitor does not exit the back half of the circle.
- Javelin (Rule 6.6.6-g) – It is a foul if the competitor fails to exit the runway behind the foul line arc and the perpendicular side extensions after the javelin has landed.
May 14, 2024
- TRACK SPIKE REQUIREMENTS FOR STATE TRAK & FIELD MEET – On the track surfaces, contestants are allowed to use up to 3/16″ pyramid spikes on the track and runways. NO NEEDLE SPIKES. Maximum length spikes for the javelin runway is 3/8″ (9 mm).
- When warming up on the track or for field events, all athletes must be wearing a proper uniform (sports bra or no shirt and shorts only are NOT a proper uniform).
- When warming up on the track or for field events, all athletes must be wearing a proper uniform (sports bra or no shirt and shorts only are NOT a proper uniform).
- BATONS (Rule 5.4.3) – The relay baton shall not exceed 11.81 inches in length. Its circumference shall be at least four inches and no more than 5 inches. It shall be a smooth, hollow tube, made in one piece of wood, metal or other rigid material. It shall weight at least 1.7666 ounces. Tape shall not be used to wrap the baton.

April 22, 2024
- Rule 6.6.4: The measurements shall be from the nearest edge of the first point of contact made by the javelin to the point on the inside edge of the circumference of the arc nearest such contact and in line with the center of the circle 26 feet, 3 inches behind the arc. If the javelin’s first point of contact is the tip/point, measure from there, if the javelin lands flat, measure from the back of the ripcord closest to the foul line, if the tail hits first, measure from there. Measurements shall be recorded to the nearest lesser inch or centimeter. Measurements shall be made with non-stretchable tape such as fiberglass, nylon, steel or certified scientific measurement device (laser). The judges shall hold the tape in such a way that the readings will be at the foul line. Shot, Discus, and Javelin sector lines are out. Javelin and Discus are measured to the nearest lesser inch, all other track and field measurements are to the nearest lesser ¼ inch.
- LEGAL IMPLEMENTS: Javelins shall be constructed of metal or other suitable material with a rubber tip. The javelin is NOT a legal implement if the rubber tip is taped in any fashion to the head/shaft. A whipcord binding shall be placed around the shaft at the center of gravity. The outer diameter of the binding shall not exceed the shaft diameter immediately forward of the binding by more than eight millimeters. Wrapping the whipcord binding with tape is prohibited. Metal point/tip javelin implements are not legal for SDHSAA use.

- Rule 6.2: Meet management may permit the use of approved footwear other than track shoes. Meaning, the Games Committee can determine the type of shoes per venue. Example, at Howard Wood Field they have a Mondo runway, they permit the use of 3/8” spikes. Other venues may have a grass runway, meaning, unless stated by the Meet Management/Games Committee, the use of track shoes, track spikes, or even football/softball cleats may be approved.
- Rule 6.2: Meet management may permit the use of approved footwear other than track shoes. Meaning, the Games Committee can determine the type of shoes per venue. Example, at Howard Wood Field they have a Mondo runway, they permit the use of 3/8” spikes. Other venues may have a grass runway, meaning, unless stated by the Meet Management/Games Committee, the use of track shoes, track spikes, or even football/softball cleats may be approved.
- Rule 5.7.3: The starting command for individual races, or opening relay legs of 800 meters of more outdoors shall be to “ask” all competitors to take position three meters behind the starting line or dashed arc behind the line. With the command “On your marks” all competitors will step to the starting line without delay. When all competitors are steady and motionless without their hand(s) touching the ground, the starter shall fire the starting device.
- Rule 5.7.3: The starting command for individual races, or opening relay legs of 800 meters of more outdoors shall be to “ask” all competitors to take position three meters behind the starting line or dashed arc behind the line. With the command “On your marks” all competitors will step to the starting line without delay. When all competitors are steady and motionless without their hand(s) touching the ground, the starter shall fire the starting device.
- Rule 3.2.4: Meet Management/Games Committee can determine the length of spikes to be approved per venue. Most venues permit the use of 3/16” or smaller pyramid spikes, no needle spikes, some however permit 1/8”. Officials will do random checks making sure all are compliant.
- Rule 3.2.4: Meet Management/Games Committee can determine the length of spikes to be approved per venue. Most venues permit the use of 3/16” or smaller pyramid spikes, no needle spikes, some however permit 1/8”. Officials will do random checks making sure all are compliant.
- Rule 5.4.3: It shall be a smooth, hollow tube, made in one piece of wood, metal or other rigid material. Tape shall not be used to wrap the baton. If schools choose to purchase laser engraved batons, they must be smooth to the touch. Officials will do random checks making sure all are compliant.
February 12, 2024
Rule 6-3-2b NOTES (NEW):Any athlete withdrawing from a jump-off concedes the higher place, but retains their performance in the event.
Rationale: The new note explains that an athlete withdrawing from a jump-off concedes the higher place, but does not negate their performance in the event, nor is it unsporting to simply withdraw in this scenario. The addition of the new note helps explain how to officiate these scenarios.
Point of Emphasis: Meaning, in the Pole Vault or High Jump, the Meet Referee and event judge must know how to complete a jump-off for first place. If, in fact, there is a tie throughout the competition for first place, the event judge should call in all competitors that are tied and explain the procedures to finish competition for first place.
- Language = One more attempt at the height at which all have tied/missed, then up or down 3″ (Pole Vault) or 1″ (High Jump) and one attempt at each height throughout competition.
- New = After the event judge has explained the proper procedure to proceed to all tied competitors, the event judge should go to each competitor applying event sheet order within the jump-off and ask them (individually) if, in fact, they want to continue. If all competitors say yes, then start the jump-off per event sheet order. If one or more competitor(s) withdraw, they concede the higher place, but retain their performance in the event per Rule 6-3-2b Notes.
- Example = If two athletes were in the above tied scenario, and one competitor withdraws, the sole competitor has earned 1st place and the team points for 1st place because the other competitor withdrew. The sole competitor does not have to make or clear additional attempts to earn 1st place and the competition is over/final.
January 29, 2024
Rule 6-4-1, 6-5-1, 6-6-1: Permits athletes in the throws to apply tape to their fingers as long as the fingers are not taped together and all fingers can move independently.
Rationale: This change offers flexibility to athletes to apply tape to their fingers or wear a wrist wrap as long as there are no artificial aids within the wrap such as hard plastic pieces to keep the wrist stiff.
The pic below is the rule change for 2024. Last year (2023), the only legal wrist wrap below was #4 (far right). In 2024, this rule change allows for the wrist wrap to have a band wrap around the thumb, as long as no metal or plastic is within the thumb wrap. Thus, making all four wraps shown below now LEGAL.

Rule 5, Section 7, Article 3, Page 36 in 2024 Rules Book: The starting command for individual races, or opening relay legs of 800 meters of more, outdoors shall be to “ask” all competitors to take a position three meters behind the starting line or dashed arc behind the line. With the command, “on your marks”, all competitors will step to the starting line without delay. When all competitors are steady and motionless, without their hand(s) touching the ground, the starter shall fire the starting device.
Interpretation: Within Rule 5, Section 7, Article 3 is the verbiage “ask”. The SDHSAA proposed the following questions to the NFHS:
- What if the runner doesn’t want to go back three meters behind the start line?
- What if they are closer or don’t do it at all?
- Does the word “ask” mean they must/shall or the official does not start the race?
NFHS Response: Thanks for reaching out. I don’t think I have ever seen an athlete disregard a direction at the start. In the event an athlete chose not to assemble where asked, that action would lead to a warning for not following the instructions of an official. The “ask” is merely to get the athletes in their proper position so that the start process can begin.
Officials’ Point of Emphasis: This needs to be added to our clinic agenda and our pre-meet meeting with coaches. Take some time and explain to coaches the proper starting procedure of opening legs of 800 meters or more.
October 10, 2023
Situation: Cross Country athletes are competing with a small strand of red/green tinsel braided into their hair.
Ruling: LEGAL
Reference: Per Track & Field section of the SDHSAA Athletic Handbook (Page 8, Item VII, Letter b): Headbands/hair control devices are legal and can be of any color or design. Multiple logos are legal as long as they are appropriate for high school athletics.

September 5, 2023
What’s happening… Coaches, parents/grandparents, managers, fans are providing liquids to their athletes during their race. They are giving the athletes liquids, running with them while they drink or pour liquids over themselves. This action may take 5 to 50 meters.
Rule Book: 8.6.1, a-f and specifically d (Note) clearly states: Providing liquids during competition is not considered to be an aid or assistance (3.2.4u). However, running with the athlete, pacing with the athlete, and coaching while pacing with the athlete is ILLEGAL. Per Case Book 4.5.6 Situation K: Running alongside an athlete for five or more strides is illegal.
- Case Book, 4.6.5 Situation N – fluids on the course
- Rule Book, 5.9.1 – Interference
- Rule Book, 4.6.5 – Pacing
- If meet management does not provide a water station somewhere throughout the race, it is legal to give liquids to athletes as long as there is no interference.
- The issue of pacing and coaching/giving assistance. With our extreme hot and humid weather, meet management, coaches, and officials should use some judgement for the safety of the athlete. We all know the importance of staying hydrated and providing fluids on a hot and humid day of a 5000 meter race is acceptable as long as it is accomplished within the rules for all.
- Meet Management provides a liquid station at a half-way distance on the course for the athletes to grab a cup/bottle of water if they so choose. This takes away the need for others to provide liquids and interfere with the runners.
- A decision at the coaches meeting should be made as to how liquids will be provided for today’s meet. Adults should always use common sense how to best administer an event and take into consideration the circumstances as such for the safety of the athletes.
- Coaches should have a conversation with all their athletes, managers, parents, grandparents, and fans pertaining to the legalities of providing liquids during a race/competition.
August 29, 2023
- Water guns (super soakers, etc.) utilized during a Cross Country race to cool down runners = ILLEGAL
- Rationale: This is not a reasonable option, for many reasons, to cool down runners during a competition. However, providing cups/bottles of water to an athlete during his/her competition is LEGAL, as long as there is no interference with other runners.
- Rationale: This is not a reasonable option, for many reasons, to cool down runners during a competition. However, providing cups/bottles of water to an athlete during his/her competition is LEGAL, as long as there is no interference with other runners.
- If the Starter/Referee, Meet Director and Coaches determine the distances are too long due to heat, a discussion/decision at the Coaches Meeting to shorten the races should take place for the safety of the athletes.
- Rationale: Rule 8.1.1 – The Cross Country course shall be 2500 to 5000 meters in length as determined by the Meet Director and/or Games Committee.
- When an athlete makes a throw and the event judge says “fair” (or raises the white flag) and the athlete then steps out of the front half of the competition ring in the Shot Put/Discus or steps over the foul line arc in the Javelin, is the throw accepted/legal?
- When an athlete makes a throw and the event judge says “fair” (or raises the white flag) and the athlete then steps out of the front half of the competition ring in the Shot Put/Discus or steps over the foul line arc in the Javelin, is the throw accepted/legal?
- The event judge should not call “fair” or raise the white flag until the athlete has left the competition ring out the back half in the Shot Put/Discus or exits around the foul line arc in the Javelin. If they leave anytime out of the front half of the competition ring or walk across the Javelin foul line arc, it is a foul…even if the official says “fair” or raises the white flag.
- In this scenario, the event judge was in error to say “fair” or raise the white flag before the athlete left the completion ring or foul line arc area; however, the throw is still a foul because the athlete did not exit the event properly and should be recorded as such.
- Shot Put (Rule 6.4.3-h) – It is a foul if the competitor does not exit the back half of the circle.
- Discus (Rule 6.5.2-g) – It is a foul if the competitor does not exit the back half of the circle.
- Javelin (Rule 6.6.6-g) – It is a foul if the competitor fails to exit the runway behind the foul line arc and the perpendicular side extensions after the javelin has landed.