Pre-Contest Medical Timeout

Per SDHSAA Board of Directors action, the following will be in place:

Require all sports contests officiated by licensed SDHSAA officials to begin with a MANDATORY “Pre-Contest Timeout”. On-site officials shall ask the home team’s administrator (or head coach, if no administrator available) the following five questions prior to beginning a contest:

  1. Who is the game administrator for each team?
  2. Is there a qualified medical professional onsite?
  3. Is there an emergency action plan for this venue?
  4. Is there an automated external defibrillator (AED) available?
  5. Where is the emergency exit/entrance for this facility?

Failure to answer these questions with a positive answer shall result in a report from the game officials to the State Association Office to develop a corrective action plan for the school/site in question.

Officials are encouraged to carry a card containing the five above questions and be sure to ask the questions prior to each contest to be aware should there be an emergency. In case of an emergency, please understand that seconds count!

Please take 30 seconds PRIOR to any contest (first contest of the day, does not need to be repeated for each contest when more than one) to make yourself aware of the answers to these questions. If the school does not have an answer to any of these questions, officials should report that to the SDHSAA the following day for follow up with the school to discuss emergency plans of action.